Patient Management

Help For Doctors And Patients With Workcover/CTP Claims.
If you’re a medical practitioner stressed by the confusing and time consuming complexities of patient CTP and WorkCover consultations, claims and paperwork – relax. You no longer have to Google phrases such as ‘workers compensation guide for medical practitioners’, or the like. Unlike other Sydney allied health providers, Complete Allied Health Care has a specially dedicated Insurance Claims Advisor to help you navigate every aspect of patient insurance claims, including the legal aspects. All completely free of charge.

This complimentary assistance with the workcover claims process is all part of CAHC’s ethos of giving back to the health care community. And with our seven conveniently located clinics across Sydney:
- We offer a comprehensive range of allied health services, including Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Speech Pathology, Dietetics, Podiatry and Massage Therapy.
- Our fully accredited practitioners include many: Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Laotian speakers
- All our service provider regularly make home visits.
When you refer patients to our highly qualified CAHC practitioners you can rest assured that they’re in the very best of integrated health care hands.
So, why waste any more of your valuable time trying to navigate the WorkCover claims process, when our Insurance Claims Advisor can help you sort it, quickly and easily? Get in touch via our Contact form, and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.